How To Avoid The Risk Of Injury During Whole Body Vibration Training

One of the essential reasons individuals avoid Whole Body Vibration Machines is the fear of getting injured. Due to the false advertising and misconceptions surrounding this form of training, a handful of people prefer to stay away from a type of physical activity that is proven to provide a variety of health benefits and contribute to better fitness performance as well.
Let’s face the facts, you can get injured while running; you can get injured while lifting weights, and you can get injured while swimming, doing whole body vibration training, playing tennis or doing any other form of exercise.
There is no exercise that doesn’t have risk involved, so if you’re searching for that one type of physical activity that will help you get slimmer, more toned or stronger with no risk of injury involved, keep on searching.
Yes, just like any other exercise, you can get injured while exercising on a Whole Body Vibration Machine just like you can get injured while running, but this doesn’t mean you should avoid physical activity all together, it just means you have to learn how to avoid injuries and reduce the risk.
Before Increasing The Intensity And Frequency, Warm Up
Before lifting weights you spend a couple of minutes warming up, so you should do the same before getting on your whole body vibration platform. This form of training requires your muscles to work hard so the risk of injury is lower if you stretch them during a short warm up session.
Keep the frequency lower and allow your body to get used to the vibration; this warms up the muscles, makes the tissue more flexible, increases circulation and the lubrication of joints, preparing your body for the workout. You an warm up in the standing position, but it’s even better if you do some stretching exercises for the major muscle groups, such as the ones below.
You don’t have to do each exercise for 1 minute; 30 seconds are enough if you’re just warming up. You can use the same movements for cooling down once you’re done with the actual training session, and you can repeat this routine after a conventional weight lifting or cardio session.
Keep Your Core Engaged, Back Straight and Knees Slightly Bent When Exercising On A Whole Body Vibration Machine
You will often hear these rules every time you step on a Whole Body Vibration Machine, because they are essential for avoiding injuries and doing the exercises with proper form.
First and foremost, your knees should be slightly bent because this helps your body absorb the vibration more efficiently and reduces the level of head vibration, while protecting your knees, hip joints and spine at the same time.
How much should you bend your knees? There isn’t a standard position, you will have to listen to your body and discover that position that feels comfortable and stable to you. A few people may have to go lower, almost in a squat, while others will keep their knees only slightly bent.
This depends a lot on:
How your body is built
How flexible your muscles and joints are
Whether your spine is deformed or not
How much weight you carry in your upper body
How strong your leg muscles are and so on
Why is it necessary to contract your abs and keep the back straight when doing these exercises? Because you want to protect your spine and work those core muscles during the entire workout.
Whole Body Vibration Training is comparable to weight lifting: it places a load on your muscles and bones, and your body has to work against a resistance force. The safety measures that apply to conventional strength and weight lifting workouts should be applied to Whole Body Vibration sessions as well.
If Your Blood Sugar Levels Oscillate, Have A Snack 30 Minutes Before Whole Body Vibration Training
Eating a full meal before getting on a Whole Body Vibration Machine is typically not a great idea, but having a small snack such as a protein bar or a banana, 30 minutes before training, is recommended if you know your blood sugar levels tend to drop while exercising. In addition, staying hydrated is highly suggested.
Not drinking enough water can cause headaches and dizziness, because Whole Body Vibration Training is sometimes intense and will make you sweat, so you will eliminate water. If you don’t feel like snacking before the workout, our Whole Body Vibration Specialist advise that you make sure to carry a small bar or a sugary or sports drink with you.
You may not need it at the very start, but if you do 10-15 minutes of whole body vibration exercises and continue with some cardio movements, you may need to replenish your energy reservoirs and have a small snack post workout, to restore your blood sugar levels.
Lower The Frequency During Upper Body Exercises On A Whole Body Vibration Machine
Yes, of course training at higher frequencies provides faster and more noticeable results if your purpose is to develop stronger muscles and to tone your body with Whole Body Vibration, but increasing the frequency is a bad idea during upper body exercises. A little too much vibration can cause dizziness and make the symptoms worse if you have balance issues or suffer from ear conditions.
To keep the risk of injury at a minimum, our Whole Body Vibration Experts suggest that you reduce the frequency while doing exercises for the upper body. Also, avoid keeping your head too close to the machine.
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