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3 Essential Features Of An Exceptional Whole Body Vibration Machine

Whole Body Vibration Machine prices often times vary greatly, some brands being more expensive than others, while some are extremely affordable. This can be a bit complex for someone who doesn’t quite understand Whole Body Vibration and does not know how much a great Whole Body Vibration Machine is supposed to actually cost.

To make it easy for you, our Whole Body Vibration Experts will tell you which features are essential and which are less important when selecting a Whole Body Vibration Machine for home or commercial use.

Let’s begin with the top 3 characteristics of a good Whole Body Vibration Machine:

1. Frequency and Acceleration

2. Amplitude

3. Type of platform

Why The Speed And Frequency Of A Whole Body Vibration Machine Actually Matters

The frequency and acceleration of a whole body vibration machine often times determine the intensity of your workouts, so if you plan to use a whole body vibration machine for:

  • Strength workouts

  • Building stronger muscles

  • Or getting slimmer

You should try and find a Whole Body Vibration Machine which can deliver enough power. You will hear the term “G-force”, which stands for “gravitational force” and usually indicates the machine’s acceleration, or the resistance force your body will have to work against.

Typically, when you stand on a Whole Body Vibration Machine, the machine lifts you up and drops you down, placing an increased gravitational load on your body. A handful of the benefits of Whole Body Vibration Machine are the results of this G-force, which causes the muscles to contract faster thus to burn more calories and to get stronger without you having to lift weights.

In addition, the frequency generally indicates how fast the platform moves. Both acceleration and frequency influence the amount of energy you burn during Whole Body Vibration Machine workouts and the level of exertion involved, so it’s natural to place these parameters on top of your list when searching for a Whole Body Vibration Machine for personal use.

An essential aspect to mention here is that the best frequency interval for achieving fitness goals is 20-45Hz, studies displaying that in this interval the muscles work the most difficult and the body burns the highest amount of calories.

However, as a beginner you may want to start at lower frequencies and G-force values, and work within the 10 G’s-16 G’s range. Trained athletes usually work at 20 G’s or so.

As said, for optimal results the acceleration is best delivered at 20-45 Hz, but if you want to use the Whole Body Vibration Machine for other purposes, such as flexibility, balance or circulation enhancement.

  • 6-10 Hz is a good range for massage and circulation enhancement

  • 10-14 Hz is good for upper body workouts

  • 14-20 Hz is a good frequency range for lower body and core workouts

Why The Amplitude And Type Of Whole Body Vibration Machine Are Pivotal

The amplitude indicates the distance traveled by the platform, and the type of platform you select is crucial because it influences the way vibration is sent to your body. Pivotal Whole Body Vibration Machines mimic the natural movement of the hips, and are preferred because they minimize the vibration sent to the head.

On a pivotal vibration machine, the left and right sides of the platform you stand on alternate up and down around a central pivot point, as though you were standing on a seesaw. On the other hand, a lineal platform remains horizontal, and the entire platform moves up and down.

Obviously the amplitude is higher in a pivotal machine, and the great thing about these Whole Body Vibration Machine devices is that you can adjust the amplitude (and consequently the intensity of your workouts) by simply moving your feet closer or farther from the machine’s center.

As a result, if you want to make sure you buy a Whole Body Vibration Machine that provides the best value for money, look for a platform that is powerful and provides the right amplitude, frequency and acceleration.

What’s Less Critical When Looking To Purchase A Whole Body Vibration Machine?

  • The size of the device

  • The power consumption

  • The price

  • The aesthetics and user interface

These features do in fact matter, but an exceptional looking whole body vibration machine is useless if it does not have the technical specifications required for helping you accomplish your health and fitness goals.

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