How Does Whole Body Vibration Actually Work?

Being on a Whole Body Vibration Machine sends vibration through every cell in your body, stimulating every part of your body as well as a result. This total body invigoration gives you a great boost of energy – it’s better than a cup of coffee!
When exercising on the plate you get an intense workout in a very short amount of time, and we all need exercise! But with our busy and often sedentary lifestyles it can be hard to fit it in – Whole body vibration is ultimately a dream come true!
Hundreds of research studies over the last 50 years have shown that 10 minutes = the benefits of one hour of conventional weight lifting. It seems too good to be true, but think of a jack hammer operator and the arm and shoulder muscle they develop, something to that magnitude, just not as intense.
Originally created for Olympic athletes and NASA, professional athletes and therapy centers worldwide are now using Whole Body Vibration Sports clubs and trainers suggested it as a must!
You can also just stand or sit on the plate and still get benefits. Either way, being on a Whole Body Vibration Machine will send vibration throughout your body, automatically causing all your muscle fibers to tense and relax instantly.
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