USMC, And Universities Making Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Available to Service Members
Camp Lejeune, US Marine Corps, with the assistance of the US Navy, has agreed to allow active duty Marines to voluntarily participate in an LSU Study in New Orleans.
In this study, Dr. Paul Harch is investigating the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) at 1.5 ATA in the treatment and further studies of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) or persistent post-concussion syndrome (PPCS) as a result of either blunt or blast injury in both military and civilians.
This action accumulates on the efforts of Rep Walter Jones (R-NC) and over a dozen other lawmakers requesting and demanding access to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Hundreds of thousands of brain-wounded active duty and veteran service members are suffering without any alternative treatments that can heal the wound to the brain; but trying to treat symptoms with ineffective drugs and devices, dangerous opioid, and unproven and potentially dangerous drugs like LSD, ecstasy and other exotics.
In a companion breakthrough, Indiana PL-217, signed 4/27/2017, establishes a funded Pilot Program for the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
This legislation follows a long and excruciating effort by veterans in Indiana to treat brain-wounded Indiana veterans with oxygen-under-pressure, a safe and effective standard of care for brain injuries in a variety of countries -- but unfortunately not yet in the US.
In addition to the soldier suicide epidemic affecting veterans, Indiana, like a handful of other states, is encountering a drug overdose epidemic. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has been proven to drastically reduce the number of drugs that brain-wounded veterans need to recuperate and return to a more normal quality of life denied them with episodic and ineffective DOD/VA attempts.
And in another multi-year effort, Texas HB-271, the Veterans Recovery Pilot Program, provides Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment to eligible Texas veterans with TBI or PTSD. Approved in the TX House and Senate by near-unanimous vote, the Bill was sent for the Governor's signature on May 19, 2017.
The Texas and Indiana legislative efforts follow the Oklahoma passage of the Oklahoma Veterans Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment and Recovery Act of 2014 on May 6, 2014.
All three states have waited for years for the DOD and the Veterans administration to address the suicide and drug overdose epidemics.
Nonetheless, none were willing to accept any more waiting amidst the futility of not treating the wounds to the brain of over 600,000 service members with "invisible wounds."
Two recent studies out of the state of Washington throw more light on a problem directly related to brain injury: drug addiction. Tens of thousands of brain-wounded veterans have drug dependencies. Researchers at Washington State in an animal study have shown that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can cut in half both the pain of withdrawal and the amount of time required to be rid of drug dependency.
The potential impact for the opioid epidemic is heartfelt. University of Washington School of Medicine researchers, writing in JAMA Neurology, discovered that after a concussion, symptoms got a bit worse from one to five years following the injury. Patients most likely don't stabilize within one year after injury; and psychiatric problems sometimes intensify out to five years.
The Marines, Oklahoma, Texas and Indiana are now pioneers, on the cutting edge of integrative medicine, giving great opportunity to the use of a safe and effective therapy that has a proven track record with over 2,300 lucky enough to find their way to private Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy clinics across the US.
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