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Learn How Athletes Use and Benefit From Whole Body Vibration Machines

Both top athletes and everyday sports enthusiasts are always searching for better ways to train their body and get the competitive edge from other athletes in their sport. Whole Body Vibration Machines provides that edge and more. That's why Whole Body Vibration Machines have quickly been sweeping through the professional sports industry, utilized by teams across the globe.

Whole Body Vibration is scientifically calibrated to drastically enhance sports training as both a supplemental and an alternative form of sports training. Within seconds, range of motion and stability are immediately increased, ideal for warming up before training.

With Whole Body Vibration Machines, you're not just getting a new strength and conditioning tool, but a strategic method of preventing and rehabilitating injuries. A handful of professional teams have found Whole Body Vibration Machines not only to be an essential training tool, but imperative for rehabilitation as well.

Professional Athletes and Whole Body Vibration Machines

Sprint faster, jump higher, increase power. To truly appreciate the value of a Whole Body Vibration Machine which help in training to help athletes increase speed, increase jump performance, power and agility, let’s briefly discuss some basic anatomical principles of muscular contraction. To begin with, all skeletal muscles generally consist of three major fiber types. These fiber types are as follows:

1) Slow Twitch Fibers - Responsible for the strength and endurance of a muscle.

2) Intermediate Twitch Fibers - Typically possess qualities of both slow and fast twitch fibers.

3) Fast Twitch Fibers - Responsible for the speed of muscular contraction.

All of these fibers types are arranged into groups known as "motor units". There are a variety of motor units within the overall muscle. But, when a muscle begins to contract, only some of the motor units become active.

As the demand on the muscle increases, more and more motor units are enlisted to help support this demand.

Training on a Whole Body Vibration Machine involves tensing muscles against other muscles. Effective Whole Body Vibration training for explosive performance is achieved when the muscle tension is maintained over a certain period of time.

As a result, training on a Whole Body Vibration Machine for explosive purposes is best defined as - the sustained contraction of a muscle over a certain period of time, where vibrations stimulate maximum the motor units.

By forcing your muscles to hold a position on the vibration plate for a certain length of time, your body will begin to recruit and activate more and more motor units to help maintain this contraction.

As the vibrations continue through your entire body, the motor units that are recruited are forced to contract continuously, time after time, with no appreciable decrease in force output. This gives your muscles an opportunity to achieve a state of maximum contraction safely and effectively. The end result is that the entire muscle matures almost instantly

Non Professional Athletes and Whole Body Vibration

Most amateur athletes do not have the resources that the professionals do, but still wish to achieve an advanced level of strength and conditioning. Whole Body Vibration Machines bring amateur athletes and fitness enthusiasts a revolutionary way to:

  • Shorten training sessions

  • Increase flexibility

  • Explosive strength and muscular endurance while reducing the potential of injuries.

Endurance Sports And Whole Body Vibration Machines

Training on a Whole Body Vibration Machine has a wide range of advantages for anyone involved in endurance sports. Vibration training activates the fast twitch muscle fibers (the muscle fibers engaged in quick, sudden action such as breakaways in cycling or a sprint to the finish line).

In addition, the higher release of hormones involved in recovery will ensure a faster and more complete recuperation, especially of the red muscles fibers.

A handful of athletes in endurance sports also face injuries due to overuse and training overload. These problems can be treated quickly and efficiently by implementing training on a Whole Body Vibration Machine.

Explosive Sports and Whole Body Vibration Training

A Whole Body Vibration Machine is great as a replacement to weight training when it is necessary to keep athletes in top condition and injury free throughout the season. This is mainly because a Whole Body Vibration Machine takes much less time and does not overuse the muscles.

The increase in testosterone levels will allow the explosive (white) muscle fibers to recover much quicker and more completely. In addition, training on the Whole Body Vibration Machines significantly increases flexibility without loss of explosive power.

The biggest advantage of a Whole Body Vibration Machine for explosive training is quite frankly amazing.

1. By forcing your muscles) to hold a position on the vibration plate for a certain length of time, your body will begin to recruit and activate more and more motor units to help maintain this contraction. Motor units that are rarely exercised within a particular muscle are now brought into use, perhaps for the first time.

2. As the vibrations continue, the motor units that are recruited are forced to contract continuously, time after time, with no appreciable decrease in force output. This usually gives your muscles an opportunity to achieve a state of maximum contraction safely and effectively. The end result is that the entire muscle matures very quickly.

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