Vibratrim Featured on Life Enthusiast Podcast
Last week I had the honor and the privilege to share the world of Vibratrim and whole body vibration with my good friends Scott Paton and Martin Pytela at Life Enthusiast. If you aren't familiar with them, I would encourage you to take a closer look. The recorded podcast is below for you to see and/or hear. We had a lot of fun recording it and by the magic of the internet it was an international collaboration with Scott in Turkey, Martin in British Columbia and me in Milwaukee.
One of things I appreciate the most about the great work they are doing at Life Enthusiast is that they have a very unique approach to health and wellness. Their philosophy - which is very consistent with my own - is specifically focused on how your lifestyle choices activate specific defensive responses and how you can help yourself by addressing the causes - to help your body replace illness with wellness.
Martin Pytela, CMTA - that's Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor - offers his Health Coach services based on Metabolic Typing, a method that helps determine which foods and supplements will be most appropriate for you. You may already be aware that what heals one person may make another one worse ...
Chances are that either you or someone very close to you is suffering from a chronic condition that conventional medical treatments are not able to resolve. You may have even been told to get used to it - it's part of aging or we can't do anything about it. In fact it may be part of the reason you were intrigued with whole body vibration in the first place.
You can learn all about Life Enthusiast by clicking HERE!
Most of the intractable medical conditions come with the word "syndrome" attached - it is the code word for "we don't know the cause, and we don't know how to help you". The point is that it is not possible to solve a problem created by too much toxicity with toxic drugs. It is possible to block a response, but it is not possible to create health. Only the body's innate homeostatic system can do that. The syndromes include Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, autistic spectrum, migraine, but also cardio-vascular, cancer, back pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, osteoporosis, candida albicans and (fill in your chronic inflammatory condition).
At Life Enthusiast they make it their business to help people reverse chronic degenerative conditions, the source of aging and pain that plague so many of us. Especially if you have been frustrated by the medical system and its symptom-oriented approach, you will find them to be refreshingly different. They believe that emergency room solutions so effective at saving a life are not appropriate for preventing conditions associated with aging or with system-wide break-downs.
Get started by clicking on the link below and spend some time on their great site. You will learn a ton! I know I do every time I am on it. Life Enthusiast does not sell drugs! They sell food and nutritional supplements, and they offer solid nutritional education and coaching.
I strongly recommend that after you have spent a little time on their fascinating website that you check out the Metabolic Typing section.
You will be amazed at what you learn about yourself.
Check out more about Life Enthusiast by clicking HERE!
Sending you positive vibrations,