An Overview Of Whole Body Vibration Machines

Whole Body Vibration machines are extremely useful for athletes and entertainers as well as at medical and rehabilitation centers, spas, hotels and fitness centers.
The use of these whole body vibration machines is known to develop and create muscle mass almost two times quicker than traditional workout machines.
Development Of Whole Body Vibration Technology
In 1857, a Swedish doctor Gustav Zander began Whole Vibration Therapy. Later in 1895, Dr. John Kellogg invented a whole-body vibration machine. This was a unique chair developed with a standing platform which claimed to cure constipation and back pain.
Russian scientists, made this technology better and used it for a variety of years for the rehabilitation of their cosmonauts returning from space. This helped in repairing their muscles from atrophy and bone density caused by weightlessness in space.
The Russian researchers observed that the whole body vibration machine not only stopped further loss of bone density but also caused a remarkable increase in bone density and muscle tissue. This technology was also used to rehabilitate the athletes with injuries.
In the beginning stages, Whole Body Vibration Machines were used in the US only by wealthy people, sports teams and doctor’s offices. After years of research, this Whole Body Vibration Machine are also now used by sports professionals, spas and health clubs.
What Are Whole Body Vibration Machines?
Whole Body Vibration Machines involve a recurrent change of position on a vibrating platform along with specific factors such as amplitude, frequency and time. In a way, these machines stimulate the muscles to work by using the stretch reflex. The stretch reflex ensures that all muscle fibers are stimulated at the same time.
Next, the muscles in turn responds to these vibrations by contracting in order to offset the stress imposed on them by the Whole Body Vibration Machine.
In traditional strength training, the weight lifted determines the load on the muscles. But with Whole Body Vibration Machines, a very specific frequency and amplitude of vibration is selected to stimulate the reflex contraction within the muscles.
This not only reduces the time required to work muscle groups completely but also increases strength with minimal stress on the joints and ligaments.
Benefits Of Whole Body Vibration Machines
The benefits provided by Whole Body Vibration Machines include:
Increase in muscle strength and flexibility
Enhancement of balance
Coordination and posture
Improvement in blood circulation and blood oxygen
And reduction in diastolic blood pressure
In addition, the Whole Body Vibration Machines also boost testosterone and natural HGH levels, increase tendon strength and accelerate weight loss. Increased bone strength, density and lumbar proprioception, reduction of back pain, stiffness and effects of stress and improvement in cellulite reduction and collagen production are some of the other benefits provided by whole body vibration machines.
By using a Whole Body Vibration Machines one can work all the crucial muscle groups of the body, enjoy the benefits of variety of other exercises with minor adjustments in posture and body position and derive positive results in neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, osteoporosis, arthritis and multiple sclerosis.
Best part about it, Whole Body Vibration Machines can be used by anyone, regardless of age and fitness or health levels. These machines provide therapeutic and fitness opportunities for everyone.
Besides reducing fatigue and cortisol, they also improve energy, endurance, health and well-being. They serve as an excellent alternative to strenuous exercise and can also be used by elderly and disabled persons.
Whole body vibration therapy has also been reported to increase serotonin levels. As a result, an increased serotonin means an increase in the feeling of calmness and happiness. Ultimately, these Whole Body Vibration Machines enhance cellular nutrient uptake and stimulate cellular fluid movement resulting in resilience and cohesive functioning of new cells. All this leads to a healthier body.
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